
Fude Samurai is going to Lyon

Fude Samurai are going to visit Lyon because of the Cartoon Network

4 day to Release Fude Samurai

Fude is coming. Four days more and everybody will be able to play Fude Samurai

Concurso Estreno Fude Samurai

No pierdas la oportunidad y participa en el concurso de presentación de Fude Samurai. Podrás oprtar a ganar artículos y regalos de Fude Samurai.

Fude Samurai 4th of March

Fude Samurai is going to be released on 4th of March for iOS and Android.

Fude Samurai is about to be relased

Fude Samurai is Osom videogame´s first project . It is about to be released on iOS and just a few days after on Android.

Osom video games goes to Lyon

Osom video games founders are going to be at Cartoon Games 2013 in Lyon. We would like to meet as much people as people. I hope you be one of them ;).

Noticias Recientes

Fude Samurai is going to Lyon 2013-02-28 00:00:00.0

4 day to Release Fude Samurai 2013-02-28 00:00:00.0

Concurso Estreno Fude Samurai 2013-02-27 00:00:00.0

Fude Samurai 4th of March 2013-02-26 00:00:00.0

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